Will Dan DiDio Finally Kill Nightwing?

I haven’t posted about solicitations for a while, but looking at DC’s September solicits, one title leapt out at me for a couple of reasons, the most obvious being the title of this post.

DC are releasing a new horror anthology this year called DC’S I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST CRISIS, a title which really made me smile. But in the list of credits is this:


That first name leapt out at me – Dan DiDio the highly divisive ex-boss of DC is returning to write a story for them, several years after he left/was sacked abruptly. I’ve no real ill will to the man – I’ve never met him – and while I disagreed with many of his decisions while he was at DC, there’s no denying his passion for comics. One thing he was well-known for, though, was his insistence that Nightwing die during the events of INFINITE CRISIS, a decision where he was either ignored or over-ruled, thankfully.

In the body of the solicit for the anthology is the following:

Even heroes like Nightwing aren’t safe when his death might just have the power to reverse the damage of Infinite Crisis!

With DiDio back writing a story, with his history with Nightwing and INFINITE CRISIS, surely that line means he will finally be having his way almost 20 years later, and will be killing Nightwing?

We’ll see in October (the anthology’s being released for Halloween by the look of things) and I’ll definitely be picking it up because it also contains “new stories from Crisis on Infinite Earths, Millennium, Zero Hour, The Final Night, and Final Crisis” . . . so you know I’m going to be adding them to the notes for each of those series, don’t you?

By the way – I’ve no ill will against him, as I said, but as a writer, his work really sucked on PHANTOM STRANGER which he wrote as part of the New 52, so I don’t hold much hope for this story.

3 thoughts on “Will Dan DiDio Finally Kill Nightwing?

  1. Is this like the Dark Multiverse tales where everything goes wrong for everyone during numerous past events? Sounds like it.

    I’m just as confused as you are that DC, especially this era of DC, would allow that hack anywhere near their characters after the damage he was allowed to do while in charge there.

    if we’re going solely off his work as a writer, he sucked at that even more than he did as the EIC of the place. I’m guessing Jim Lee allowed him the opportunity because they’re still friends/friendly, I don’t know.

    But DEFINITELY count on Dick dying during his story because he’s clearly been waiting over 20 years to scratch that particular itch & now he safely can without it being canon.


    1. I agree – weirdly, I think Dan DiDio now has the opportunity, after enough time has passed, to write an imaginary story about Nightwing not making it through INFINITE CRISIS. Why he would still want to after all this time is a question for his therapist.


  2. He’s DEFINITELY got a wild assortment of personal issues he absolutely needs the help of a professional to help him deal with, absolutely.


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