October 2020 Solicitations

Hey look at that, a post which isn’t a Mash-Up.

Still crazy busy in work, still struggling to move house but decided to switch things up and actually write about something for a change: October’s solicitations.

Over at DC we have . . .


It’s been 35 years since Ozymandias dropped a giant interdimensional squid on New York City, killing thousands and destroying the public’s trust in heroes once and for all. And since that time, one figure in a fedora, mask, and trenchcoat has become a divisive culture icon.

Nope – big, hard pass from me here due to it being written by Tom King. Everyone raved about his OMEGA MEN but I still have issues over Kyle Rayner suddenly becoming a devout Catholic, and the less said about HEROES IN CRISIS the better.


The final chapter of the most terrifying and personal Batman mystery is here!

Still reeling from their last encounter with the three Jokers, Batman, Batgirl, and Red Hood discover the terrible truth about the Three Jokers’ plot. Will the caped crusaders have the strength needed to put an end to the maniacal menaces’ master plan once and for all, or will it be lights out for good?

The first issue hasn’t hit yet, but I have to admit to being really interested in this. I like Johns’s work on the whole and with Jason Fabok channelling his inner Brian Bolland, I can’t wait for this.


The Justice League’s intergalactic team of Green Lantern Jessica Cruz, Orion of the New Gods, Red Lantern Dex-Starr, and New Teen Titans Starfire and Cyborg make a final stand against Darkseid in a battle that reshapes the cosmic landscape across every sector of space!

The final issue of this series – honestly, it lasted longer than I think most people expected. A mostly pretty good, self-contained title helmed for the most part by Dan Abnett.

Over at Image Comics . . .


The last survivors of the Multiverse live among us under new, superheroic identities, five survivors of doomed worlds…taking a second chance to ensure our world lives on. A new twist on strange superhero comics, with a bleeding-edge eye on the modern moment, COMMANDERS IN CRISIS follows in the footsteps of Doom Patrol and Thunderbolts as five unexpected heroes come together to solve a murder unlike any other. The victim? Compassion itself…This is ideacide!

I liked Steve Orlando’s run on JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA a few years back so am willing to give this a punt

Over at Dark Horse . . .


Wacky space adventurer Colonel Randall Weird leaves Black Hammer farm and embarks on a strange journey through space and time for something that he’s long forgotten with his sanity and life at stake!

Delayed by the coronavirus lock-down, I’m glad to see this mini-series tied with the BLACK HAMMER universe is finally getting released.

That’s it for new series/ones that are finishing that I’m interested in. There’s a ton of DEATH METAL tie ins which I’m just not bothering with; the one exception is September’s multiversal themed one-shot which I’m picking up but apart from that it just doesn’t grab me.

Oh and while it’s not a solicitation as such, there was this in the horrible, clunky, digital only DC Connect catalogue:

I wonder if this is what Robert Venditti left JUSTICE LEAGUE to write?