Supergirl – First Episode


Finally caught up with the first episode of Supergirl and was pleasantly surprised.

It suffered a little from being the first episode – cramming all the back story in as quickly as possible, setting up the characters with broad brush strokes – but on the whole it was more than a little enjoyable. Melissa Benoist was pretty much perfect in the role, coming across as enthusiastic and willing to learn, despite the obstacles in her way and it bodes well for the rest of the series.

The only real niggle I had was the references to “he” and “him” when they clearly meant Superman; it seemed they were going out of their way not to mention the name. Oh, and the last scene where Kara’s evil aunt is revealed as the threat behind it all was hammed up terribly.

Still, like I said, an enjoyable first episode.

Quick News Round Up

Been out the last couple of days so catching up with the news and here’s what caught my eye:

Ash Evil Dead

Ash vs Evil Dead has been confirmed for a second season before the first one even starts – which is great news for you lovely people in the States, but over here in the UK, there’s still no channel confirmed to show it.

Continue reading “Quick News Round Up”

Superhero TV In The UK

Based here in the UK, there’s sometimes a wait for the US shows to come over. Agents of SHIELD has or is about to start in the US but here, we’re still waiting; Gotham has started its second series in the colonies but nothing here yet; Agent Carter won’t be around until next year; and as of this writing, no network’s picked up Ash vs Evil Dead.

Thankfully Flash is up and running (sorry) and I’m thoroughly enjoying that, particularly with the introduction of Jay Garrick and Earth-2 and this Thursday sees the start of the new Supergirl series which I have high hopes for, if only because it might thumb its nose at the grim, depressing Man of Steel film and its attendant universe.


All told, it’s not a bad time to be a comic fan on TV.