Untold Tales #723 Justice League of America vs Iron Man

The JLA thought the mystery of why Iron Man sold their secrets to Spellbinder (as shown in the Fall of Iron Man story) was solved – but now Iron Man himself claims it was all the fault of a clone!

100 Issues Ago July 2012

I came across this “100 Issues Ago” panel in an old JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA and thought I’d tidy it up and re-purpose it. If one month = one issue, what was I reading 100 Issues Ago?

Another month, like the last one, where I struggled to find an issue worth talking about.

The EARTH-2 series was pretty much a highlight this month, but even that was something of a stretch. With the introduction of a new Flash in the previous issue, this one brought in the new Alan Scott as Green Lantern, slowly building up to a world of heroes without Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman. Robinson’s work wasn’t bad, and Nicola Scott’s art is always good, but (from memory) it was just a bit slow.

Elsewhere this month, things were something of a mess. JUSTICE LEAGUE INTERNATIONAL and STORMWATCH seemed all over the place, as were BLUE BEETLE and CAPTAIN ATOM. Even things like ALL-STAR WESTERN, DEMON KNIGHTS and FRANKENSTEIN were running on the spot a bit. As I said, hard to find something that, from my recollection, really stood out this month.

Outside of DC, it was still just THE BOYS, FATALE and FURY: MAX.