Annotations and Site Update

Annotations for DARK CRISIS #4 are done, as are the write ups for Crossovers Part 4.

However, I’ve noticed something’s off with the order of the Crossovers. I’ve been using a checklist ad that was in one of the earliest issues, but the order shown there doesn’t tally with what I’ve found online, so I’m having to go through and re-order some of the issues covered, mostly in parts 3 and 4. They should be sorted within a week or so.

Still, even with that re-ordering, I’m on track with my schedule.

And the eagle-eyed among you may notice I’ve updated the header image, bringing in a bunch of covers for the extra series (like INFINITE FRONTIER, DARK CRISIS, and even the JUSTICE LEAGUE DETROIT pages) that I’ve done since the original header was created back in 2018.