Justice League Detroit Retrospective – Again

Back in the dim and distant past (2011 to be precise) I was running this blog on the old Blogger platform and did a series of posts looking back over the Justice League Detroit’s history.

Now, as a way of trying to get myself back into writing some longer form pieces (I know I’ve barely touched the DARK CRISIS annotations for way too long) I thought I’d revisit those old posts and bring them over to this site, complete with sparkling new logo – see above.

While not annotations as such, you can find some notes on the various storylines and then re-appearances of the Detroit League all linked from this homepage. I still need to do some edits and tidy up, and then write up the two issue CONVERGENCE issues that came out after I’d written the original pieces, but wanted to get this out there.

Who knows, I might even bring over my Jurgens League notes and the Global Guardians pieces.