Customers Who Bought This Product . . .

There’s only so much money I can spend on comics, sadly, so not every new title that catches my eye makes it to my pull list. However, I’ll pick some of them up when the collection is released. One of those titles is Insexts by Marguerite Bennett.


I enjoyed her work on Earth 2 and Earth 2: World’s End so picked up the collections of the digital first series DC Bombshells and was glad I did as it’s good fun. Her other series from AfterShock, Animosity, is only two issues in but is already one of my favourite series. With that in mind, I plan to by Insexts as well.

However, on, there’s only a Kindle edition available, no trade paperback. So I did a quick hunt around and the British comic shop chain Forbidden Planet are selling it, or will be when stock arrives. All well and good, I thought, as I scrolled down the page only to find this:


It appears that I’m the sort of person who will also buy an “Adventure Time – Pop! Lumpy Vinyl Figure

I can only assure you that I’m not.

Digital Or Print?

I’ve long been a collector of comics – as Mrs Earth-Prime can attest, I have boxes full of the things, not to mention shelves groaning under the weight of trade paperbacks and while I have a steady stream of new comics coming in each week, I’ll occasionally pick up runs of series I missed first time around. Over the last few years, for example, I’ve picked up the John Ostrander Suicide Squad, the complete Darkstars and a couple of mini-series, not to mention the various tie-in issues for the annotations I’m working on.

(Which reminds me, must get back to War of The Gods . . . )

A few months ago, I joined Comixology more out of curiosity than anything, and ended up buying the digital version of Crisis on Infinite Earths because it seems I was unhappy with only having three versions of it already.

Looking through the site yesterday, though, I noticed they have the complete run of LEGION from the late 80s and early 90s, a series that I was tempted by at the time but back then I only had so much money for comics. Every issue is £1.49 which (as I already have a couple of crossover issues with series I was collecting) means I’d spend about £100 and have the entire lot stored in the cloud within minutes.

Or, I could go to My Comic Shop and pick up the back issues; most of them are $1.35; with postage that would be approximately £120 and would take between 8 and 14 days to arrive . . . but they’d be in my hands as opposed to on screen.

It comes to something when the deciding factor isn’t price but format.

Digital on the left, print on the right.
Digital on the left, print on the right.

A More Hopeful Justice League?


Geoff Johns certainly plans to brighten up the DC film universe, anyway, if this news story is anything to go by.

While there’s not exactly a massive amount of detail in that story, there is this:

Johns and his co-head Jon Berg worked closely with Justice League director Zack Snyder and screenwriter Chris Terrio to make the film closer to their vision of the DC Universe.

“We accelerated the story to get to the hope and optimism a little faster,” Berg explained.

To my mind, that sounds like Johns and Berg looked at the reaction to Man of SteelBatman vs Superman and even the not-as-light-hearted-as-the-trailer-made-out Suicide Squad and have said “Enough with the dark and the rain and the grimness of it all!”

Even the above picture is brighter and sunnier than anything we’ve seen from the DC films so far and that, this news, and the excellent Wonder Woman trailer all have me hoping that the Zack Snyder/David Goyer grim as all hell era is behind us.