Untold Tales #668 Green Lantern Corps vs Vampblade

Can it be? Has the magical blade wielding femme fatale somehow managed to overcome the entire Green Lantern Corps?! And where’s Hal Jordan – surely he can save them? For the answer to that question, tune in to the next issue!

The New DCEU… Oh Dear

Over at The Beat, there’s news about the James Gunn led plans for the reboot of the DC films universe, apparently being called “Gods and Monsters”

Among the interesting news like the animated Creature Commandos movie above, there’s talk of a new Superman film (no surprise there), a new Batman film with Damian Wayne as Robin (m’eh), Booster Gold coming to TV along with “Lanterns” described as an “enormous TV event series” with both John Stewart and Hal Jordan in the role, and The Authority coming to the big screen as well.

And most of that sounds interesting to me . . . and then I read this:

Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow – this science fiction adventure, which will be based on Tom King’s amazing, award-winning recent comics stories, presents a Supergirl viewers are not used to seeing.

Ugh. Tom King, he of the over-rated OMEGA MEN and the god-awful HEROES IN CRISIS. And what’s worse, James Gunn is saying that Tom King is one of his go-to guys, one of the circle of writers who will help him fashion this whole new slew of films and TVs. Were the Snyder movies not dark and grim enough for you, James? Please, anyone but Tom King needs to be involved in this.

And regarding the Supergirl film, I’ll let you go read Anj’s take on that.