Wonder Woman Trailer

This looks fantastic!

There’s a lot going on here but damn me it looks splendid. One of the biggest things that instantly impressed me: it’s in daylight! After the ridiculously constant darkness of Batman v Superman, the fact that you could see what’s going on here is excellent.

Gal Gadot looks to be building on her much underused appearance in B v S; Themyscira looks suitably otherworldly; Amazons Attack!; the lasso really shines; and Wonder Woman going over the top was just a piece of genius.

And the costume throughout looks so much brighter than in B v S:

Wonder Woman Comparison

This looks so promising!

Oh, there was also a Justice League trailer released as well.

It’s okay.

War Of The Gods Annotations Underway


Following my post the other day about annotating War of The Gods, I’ve made a start. There’s a whole lot of backstory to this that I’m having to research – god bless the internet!

Oh, and I also split out the list of series that I’ve already annotated and those that are “coming soon” – check out the menus on the right.

Damn My Lack Of Forward Planning!

Wonder Woman 75

It’s Wonder Woman’s 75th anniversary this year (and is that not a fantastically cool logo up there?) so what better way for me to celebrate than to annotate the Diana-centric crossover event, War of The Gods which was produced primarily to celebrate her 50th anniversary back in 1991?

War Of The GodsSounds like a great idea, doesn’t it?

But that’s where the lack of forward planning comes in. You see, Mrs Earth-Prime and I are having a lot of work done on our old house: walls replastered, new floor, build in wardrobes and cupboards being built along with a new staircase. And then, once it’s finished, we’re having the whole place redecorated by professionals – over the years, we’ve painted the place numerous times and while it’s always looked passable . . . well, we wouldn’t get paid to do it, if you see what I mean.

All that work, however, means that a ton of stuff has gone into storage, along with pretty much my entire comic collection. 6,000+ comics and graphic novels all neatly boxed up and hidden away in a container about a mile and a half away.

Including the four issue mini-series War of The Gods.

Wonder Woman War Of The Gods CollectionBut all is not lost! For I’ve bought the trade paperback collection and have just started reading it and thought to myself – why not annotate it from the trade?

So that’s what I’m going to do – read the collection and make the notes on the website here as I go along. Then, probably in November which is when all the house repairs/painting should be finished, I’ll get the original comics back and scan what I need to from there and publish the pages.

I can also try and pick up the tie-in issues I don’t have – I know I have the Justice League Europe , The Demon and Suicide Squad issues, so with the original series and the Wonder Woman issues included in the collection, that only leaves another 14 issues to track down and annotate over the coming months.

It’s not like I have a day job or a life outside of comics or anything to slow me down.

Oh, wait a second . . .