Moving House

So, it’s finally happening – Mrs Earth-Prime and I are moving house on Friday after spending months waiting for it to all go through. Most of the delay was due to the Covid-19 lockdown situation, but this last month or so has just been the buyer of our property dragging their heels.

Still, it’s done. Due to that, I will be offline for a week or so while we wait for connection at the new house to be sorted. Mash-Ups are pre-planned and ready to go, I just won’t be adding anything new or responding to comments for a little while.

Be back soon.

3 thoughts on “Moving House

    1. Thanks, man – the move itself went smoothly, but the people who owned the house before us left a huge amount of crap in the house and in the garage. We knew we had some work to do on the house (and that’s underway or planned for early Jan) but didn’t bet on tidying up after people. We’re in touch with the lawyers about it.

      Other than that, it’s all going well!

      Liked by 1 person

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