3 thoughts on “Random Panels: Poor Wally

  1. If I remember right, Wally was pretty big on the sexual harassment back in those days (especially around Power Girl, which is real dumb. Fast as he is, I’m pretty sure he’ll have to stop for food before Peej does.)

    Silver Sorceress will probably get one look at the cesspool of his mind and run screaming.


  2. Yeah Wally definitely got dunked on a lot back then, but considering how young he was, it almost seems like certain writers went out of their way to point that out & ridicule him, completely forgetting that most of us were young & dumb too at one point before be forced to grow up, either due to certain life-changing circumstances or time.

    That being said, yes Wally was a huge horn dog, but who amongst us wasn’t at that age or even now for some.


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